Still from Bright Future, a video work in conjunction with Future Gestures.

Still from Bright Future, a video work in conjunction with Future Gestures.

Lillian Ross-Millard**** (Toronto, Canada, 1993) is a video artist based in both Canada and Scotland, and recently completed her MFA at the Glasgow School of Art (2020). Her practice documents physical research methods adapted from alternative theatre processes. Conducting this research in group situations as well as independently, she directs participants to reflect on symptomatic relationships between experience and the habitual movements of the body. Parodying the scientific, the process is ultimately poetic, and is designed to remap the meanings and narratives we subconsciously assign to our daily gestures and choreographies.

This method of research can be thought of as an open ended process where participants are invited to gather items of writing, personal experience/testimony, their own research, music and objects around a central question. Once gathered, the collection is then synthesised on an individual basis into a repeatable series of gestures. These gesture scores serve as modular pieces of knowledge which are then exchanged amongst the participants. It is knowledge but it is also a dance. It is social science but also poetry.

She brings lyrical expression to these so-called findings in the form of video works.